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New accepted paper in 'Advanced Functional Materials'
Liting's achievement was accepted for publication in 'Advanced Functional Materials'! Congratulation on her excellent work! - Article :...
조회수 4회

New accepted paper in 'Small'
Seunghwan, Kihoon, and Eunmin's achievement was accepted for publication in 'Small'! Congratulation on their excellent work! - Article :...
조회수 7회

New accepted paper in Dongguk University News
The paper (No. 174) published in Puran's Chemical Engineering journal has been reported in the Dongguk University Homepage! We introduce...
조회수 6회

New accepted paper in Various media
The paper published in Seunghwan's Advanced Materials journal has been reported in the media! The paper (No. 169) published in the...
조회수 7회

Keonbeom's work was featured on the cover of 'small methods'
Keonbeom's achievement was selected as back cover of 24th issue of 'small methods'! Congratulation on his good job! Hierarchically...
조회수 0회
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